Emotional Health and Wellness through Energy Healing with Lydia

The 38 Bach Flower Remedies were created by the English physician and homeopath, Dr. Edward Bach, to help enable the mind, body, spirit in the recalibration and reconnection of a specific emotional disconnect that exists within what he classified as the 7 emotional states. These are:
1. Fear (known and unknown),
2. Uncertainty,
3. Insufficient interest in present circumstances,
4. Loneliness,
5. Oversensitivity to influence and ideas,
6. Despondency or Despair and
7. Over care for the welfare of others.

To address the problems associated within these 7 emotional states, Dr. Bach created 38 remedies that speak directly to the emotional imbalances associated within a particular emotional problem. He believed if these emotions were left untreated, they carried the potential to manifest as physical disease in the body.

Let’s take the emotion Fear for example. The remedy for known fear is Mimulus. This remedy is recommended for fears that can be identified such as thunderstorms; loud noises, snakes, or whatever the fear is that can be named. The remedy for unknown fear is Aspen. This remedy helps to correct emotional issues associated with fears that cannot be identified and have no reason of explanation. This is common in those suffering from anxiety disorders and panic attacks; they are anxious, frightened and cannot explain why.

Consultations or work ups can average between 60 to 90 minutes sometimes 2 hours depending on the amount of information and discussion needed to secure a complete picture of the emotional issues and help gain a better, more in-depth understanding and perspective of the emotional problems that need help. Once the remedy needs are established, a remedy bottle is made by adding 2 drops of the remedy tincture from the stock bottle (up to 7 remedies can be added) to the remedy bottle in approximately 1.77 flu oz. of spring water (not tap or filtered), taken by dropper, 4 drops, 4 times a day. Bach remedies will not interfere with any Rx medications and can be taken with or without food. Follow up consultations are $70 for one hour and include a refilling of the remedy bottle or perhaps a needed change in remedies depending on the progress or to address any new emotional changes that may have occurred.

I am often asked how will I know they are working? It will depend on the individual, the level of emotional disharmony and how deep seeded the emotional issues are. You will know they are having a positive effect when you begin to sense a shift in how you feel towards the problem. These shifts in feeling can be described as coming to peace with an emotion, such as fear of something known. It may not feel as threatening as it once did. Some people notice a difference in how they feel almost immediately, while others may take as long as a year or more. When my husband passed away in 2013 I began taking Star of Bethlehem for grief and loss. It took me almost 2 years, taking the remedy everyday before I felt like I had finally turned the corner.

Bach remedies are excellent for pets suffering from issues like fear, aggression, and despondency and basically for all the same reasons we use them. Once the remedy needs are established, they are either rubbed directly onto the ears, pads of their feet or two drops added to their water bowl (spring water only). I have had great success treating my cats and dogs with the Bach remedies.

For a more in-depth understanding about what each of the 38 Bach Flower remedies do, please visit the Bach Centre:

☆ Offers Free Discovery Call: Yes, contact me to book a free 15-minute intro session
Session Type: Single Wellness Session
Price Per Session $: 170
Session Length (in minutes) : 120
Booking Timezone: Eastern Standard Time (EST) [GMT -5:00]
What to expect in a meeting: Input consultations are necessary to establish the needs of the clients concerns. Being able to talk honestly and openly about emotional issues that you are requesting help with, will help me better determine what remedies will be right for what specific emotional issues you are living with.
Target Audience: Individuals
Ideal Age Groups:
Improvement Goals:
Cardiovascular Fitness
Eat Healthier
Energy & Vitality
Feel Better
Healthier Relationships
Healthier Skin
Longevity & Aging
Look Better
Mental Wellbeing
Physical Fitness
Weight Loss
Reduce Stress
Reduce Substance Use
Sexual Health
Sleep Better
Strength & Muscle
Vitamin & Supplements
Area Of Specialty: Emotional Health
Professional Training:
Ayurvedic Practitioner
Body Talk Practitioner
Breathwork Therapist
Emotion Code
Energy Healer
Health Coach
Health Counselor
Life Coach
Medical Doctor
Meditation Teacher
Naturopathic Doctor
Nurse Practitioner
Occupational Therapist
Osteopathic Doctor
Personal Trainer
Physical Therapist
Pilates Instructor
Qi Gong / Tai Chi
Registered Nurse
Reiki Master
Spiritual Leader
TCM Practitioner
Zen Master
EFT Practitioner
Certifications: Bach Flower Registered Practitioner
Years of experience: 25
Languages Offered:

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